Thursday, August 20, 2015

#NewMusic: Par-City - Coronation (Directed by XXIV)

"Heavy is the head that's wearing the crown..." The young, dope and gifted trio known as Par-City returns to stake their claim at the top spot with their new video "Coronation." This explosive record kicks off the group's latest studio effort The Young, Dope & Gifted available now on iTunes and Google Play. Directed by Mike Garcia.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

GiF The Great x WyNN (#MSPT) - Rollie

What is #MSPT??? ​#MSPT (Maury Show Paternity Test) is the makeshift combination of GiF The Great (one grumpy old third of Par-City) and Wynn The Great (GiF's long lost illegitimate son). On one hand, GiF represents the era where givin' (expletive) these bars, lyricism and wordplay really mattered while young Wynn is the product of the new school/ratchet/drill music/trap rap era we currently find ourselves in. It's part gag, part social experiment, part deadly combination.